电视剧倒计时全集 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 剧情片 2010

导演: 大卫·格瑞尼


The story appears simple on the surface, but is revealed, especially after multiple viewings, as more multi-layered and textured than Cassavetes at his best. Ostensibly it concerns a 14-year old Catholic girl, Wynne (Agutter) growing up in this post-modern wasteland, who develops a crush on her much older adoptive brother (Marshall)- a crush which perversely deepens and grows into infatuation once she starts to believe he is the local sex killer. This is in itself an idea that makes you sit up and jolt, but as the narrative develops, it continues not necessarily along a linear path but in several confusing and fascinating directions: the family's history, (detailed effectively in chilling flashback during an improvised seance) is a chequered one, and has suffered at least one major relocation and upheaval in the last ten years. At the crux, however, it's the depiction of socialal changes that make I Start Counting so fascinating and elevate its language far beyond the confines of the standard horror film. The major subtext- that teenage girls were maturing more quickly than before, and developing full sexual and romantic appetites (even if in thought rather than deed) but were not possessed of enough discretion to make the right choices- was a step forward for a genre in which its young females had previously been portrayed as bimbo victims (Cover Girl Killer and The Night Caller spring to mind), but not one that all viewers would necessarily agree with. But most striking of all, and possibly the most enduring image which the viewer will take away with them, is of the masterful symbolism with which director Greene invests every shot. Every inch of the Kinch family's world- their house, their walls, their TV, Agutters underwear, bedroom furniture and toys, Sutcliffe's clothes, Marshalls van, the local Catholic church, their town centre, their record shop) - is painted a bright, scintillating white- a white which, by inference, is slowly becoming smudged and corrupted with the dirt of the outside world. White also symbolises, of course, purity and innocence (two qualities Catholic schoolgirls are supposed to hold dear), and it is into this world of innocence that the ever-present red bus (a symbol of violation and penetration), conducted by the lecherous yet similarly juvenile Simon Ward, makes regular journeys. The allegory is further expanded in one scene where Agutter believes she sees the Christ figure in church weeping blood: by the time we acknowledge it, its gone, but the seed has already been planted. Rarely in a genre production has the use of colour and background been so important or effective in creating a uniformity of mood. I Start Counting is as near-perfect an end to a decade as one could hope for, and exactly the kind of film people should be making now- which is, of course, exactly why they never will. A genre essential. by D.R. 


  • 寒昭 9小时前 :


  • 厍睿博 3小时前 :

    8.5/10 男主Leo的眼睛太深邃了,盯著你看的時候很輕易地就陷進去,而且業務能力好強,完全不會給客人任何不舒適的感覺,而且還有可憐遭遇激發同情心,誰能拒絕這樣溫柔脆弱的性感尤物呢

  • 党恨蝶 6小时前 :

    看到最后哭了,如果可以,我想打六🌟。最后双方都得到了救赎,印象深刻的一句话,you are not buying for fact, you are buying for fantasy,另外,男主真的是温柔的一个人啊

  • 卫美华 1小时前 :


  • 开寄松 8小时前 :

    一個人想要追尋真我永遠都不嫌晚。劇本設計大膽且有巧思,通過「優良的男性氣質」的代表 Leo ,以「經典男性氣質」自信地「教」Nancy 要丟掉世俗的規矩和自我束縛,並不斷地暗示他可以讓 Nancy 體驗高潮。但最後,Nancy 藉由女性自決的意識帶動了身體意識的覺醒,打破了「傳統女性氣質」的鐐銬,獲得了高潮體驗,煥發出全新的自我。Leo 的引導和陪伴很重要,但能掙脫自我束縛,走出社會教條規訓牢籠的,只有你自己。

  • 咎飞珍 5小时前 :


  • 张简昆明 2小时前 :


  • 受菁英 8小时前 :


  • 富忆远 6小时前 :


  • 东雅歌 5小时前 :


  • 千立果 1小时前 :

    So white so cliche woke feminist shit 太白了,太虚伪不踏实了 sex is not divine! sex is just fucking sex

  • 守星河 9小时前 :

    谁不渴望一份不带羞耻的性满足,一些手指拂过大腿的试探,几句私密的共情,和一颗eye candy

  • 夷天材 1小时前 :


  • 於星汉 2小时前 :


  • 傅小晨 3小时前 :

    Leo the sex worker claims he can put up a fantasy, and he delivered. But I think the screenwriter did a better job on that.

  • 凤春柏 8小时前 :


  • 振凯 8小时前 :


  • 从如松 7小时前 :

    爱岗敬业 美鸭典范。除此以外,电影对两个主角的自我价值认同及身体欲望的探讨都是一种脱离实际的臆想。男主在独处时永远会照镜子,到底是自我审视,还是自我凝视?如果所有人都认同电影所构建的价值观,便不存在说艾玛汤普森的出镜是一种牺牲,悖论就在这里。四星是给帅哥的。

  • 彩彤 1小时前 :

    在剧本构架上很优秀,从女性各方面的心理困境出发,通过难以启齿的交易来面对难以启齿的真实自我,再延展出社会整个人群都会面临的一些困境,最后两个人算是互帮互助了,其实关于第三次会面的争吵设置的有些刻意,但这种不经意间流露出的母亲式的过于关心与质问也还是符合Nancy人设的。男主很乖很帅很贴心很有职业素养,Emma Thompson借角色之口传达了她的人生理念和巨大的勇气。我姨太美了,紧绷的、羞赧的、懊悔的、教条的、悲伤不知所措的、释然的、绽放的、勇敢的,每一面都非常非常美。

  • 允晶燕 7小时前 :

    #Sundance2022 Emma Thompson: can't believe this kind of film is only being made in 2022. It was very freeing to work on this film.


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